General News, Shop Announcements

Starting from today 20th till 22nd of April, 2023 we are announcing discount of 10% for all orders above £100 or 20% for all orders above £200!

Dear Weedlovers! Our shop wish to congratulate all our clients and greeny smokers all across the globe and wish all the best buds to smoke today and enjoy life as it is! It is pleasure to be a part of this wonderful plants and enjoy its products! Roll a joint, hit a bong, eat some sweets – anything counts today!

As a part of cannabis community we have prepared some special offer to all our clients – starting from today 20th till 22nd of April, 2023 we are announcing discount of 10% for all orders above £100 or 20% for all orders above £200! This discount will be automatically applied on you shopping cart during the time of event. Discounts are not summed. If discount is not applied on your shopping cart automatically – feel free to use coupon codes HAPPYWDAY10 for orders above £100 to get 10% off and HAPPYWDAY20 for orders above £200 to get 20% off. Enjoy the weekends!